30 Days of Blessings: Heart Sisters



There can be no situation in life in which the conversation of my dear sister will not administer some comfort to me.  ~Mary Montagu

Sisters are such a blessing in ones life. Whether they are God given through blood or through a bond of the heart I am not sure how we can get through life without them. Some call them sister friends or friends of the heart. Regardless of what you call them they are those women who come into your life and heart and never leave. They are the ones you can count on no matter what is going on in your life, or theirs.

I’ve been blessed with many sisters. But today I am thinking of those who have blessed my life as they have come into my life and touched my heart in a profound way. They have come along at a time when I have needed support, love, grace and strength. They each have walked on different paths of my journey and I theirs. They are the women who I can still call up and they would be there with an encouraging word and a prayer.

As I sit here listing them in my head I realized that most of them no longer live near me in fact only one lives within a few minutes. The others are hours away because either I have moved or they have. What is sweet about them though is it doesn’t matter where they currently live we are tied together through our bond and continuing journey together. While some I have already written about in my series “The Women I Come From” and others I will still write about I wanted to take this time to list, them and say thank you.

Thank you for sticking by me when I needed you. Thank you for allowing me into your heart and life. I want you to know that even today I still carry you in my heart. You are apart of me, the woman I have become. I thank you for not letting our relationship be one sided but it’s been a journey together, knowing we can count on each other.

Listing them in the order they came into my life these, my sweet sister friends, in one way or another have changed me. They helped me grow spiritually, emotionally and in so many other ways. The first sister would have to be my blood sister. Sheila is apart of me. I share with her the experiences of growing up, heartaches, and losses.  Through childhood I don’t know what I would have done with out her love, support and even our sibling rivalry. These women, Gina, Ann, Jill, Sally and Eileen have changed me in profound ways. They are women who are still, regardless of distance, in my life. They came and never left.

There is a quote by Maya Angelou that says “I don't believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers.  It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage.  Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at.”

Heart sisters are those women who work at the relationship to stay connected. It goes both ways. We both make the effort to not let too much time go by that we are not connected. It’s an open honest relationship where the masks and walls have been removed and we can be ourselves.

Today and everyday I am blessed by you.

Oh Father I pray that I might be a better friend to these you have brought into my life and heart.



  1. Hi new to your blog from the weekend blog walk I'm looking forward to your posts. I'm a daddy blogger and I blog about my wonderful family.


    1. Thank you for your visit James! So nice to "meet" you. I hopped on over to your blog too, what a beautiful family! Can't wait to here when the new little one arrives!


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