A Lament

My heart is heavy.
Grief rises up and threatens to overwhelm me.
I want to gather you in my arms
and whisper words of truth.
Words of healing.
Words of love.

You do not listen.
You have been deceived.
Deceived by the lies of the world.
The enemy.
You chase after your own desires.
You chase after emptiness.

You have bought into the lies.
The lies that say…
Do what feels good.
Do what is right in your own eyes.
It’s not your fault you were born that way.
So many voices, so many lies.
 By akeeris, published on 14 July 2011<br />Stock Photo - image ID: 10049882
But you are not happy.
You cry yourself to sleep.
You drown out the pain with parties,
drinking and lovers.
You are chasing dreams
only to find that they elude you.
You find that your dreams do not bring you
the happiness you seek.

My heart breaks as I watch you struggle in your sin.
Making choices that will only bring more pain.
You choose to live in the wilderness of the world.
A world that offers no hope, no love.
Only sorrow, pain and death.
Oh my dear one can you not see?
Can you not understand that you walk in darkness?
Will you not heed my warning?
When will you grow weary of your sin?
How far into the darkness must you walk
before you see truth.

Oh child how I long for you to take my hand
and allow me to lead you to the ONE that offers peace.
He waits for you. He died for you.
He alone can fill your emptiness.
He stands willing to give you grace, love,
mercy, hope and so much more.
His love will fill you to overflowing
and you will have a joy this world can never know.

He offers you life. A life of joy.
A life of sweet amazing grace.
He offers forgiveness.
He offers Himself.
It’s all yours.
You only need to believe.
To have faith.
Reach out and take His hand
Take His gift.
His gift of grace.
The gift of eternal salvation.
The gift of truth.
 By Sira Anamwong, published on 11 April 2013<br />Stock Photo - image ID: 100157535
Can you hear my heart breaking?
Oh how I long to take you to Jesus!
But you are blinded by the lies of this world.
I will not lose hope.
I will speak truth into your heart.
I will love you, pray for you
and maybe one day you will believe.

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling . Matt 23:27

Note: This is was originally posted in 2011 but it continues to be the cry of my heart for those that are dear to my heart and yet do not know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray, continue to speak truth, but most of all I can trust in my Father who longs to gather them unto Himself.

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