The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23-24 NLT
Oh Father you direct my way. You, not anyone else, knows that path I should walk. You know my purpose. You know the plans You have for me. And Father, You delight in every detail of my life!
Oh how that brings a smile to my face, that you not only know the plans you have for me, but that you delight in those plans. Father help me to come to you for advice, for direction and purpose and not those around me. Help me to seek your wisdom in the path I should choose. And when I stumble Father, I know you will be there, holding on to me so that I don't completely fall.
What a beautiful picture Father! You and I walking hand in hand along the path that You have chosen. As we walk together we are laughing and delighting in one another. You take full pleasure in your daughter!
But there will be times that I trip over the terrain, but it is alright, for you still have me by the hand. You will pick me up, brush me off and send me on my way again.
There will be no scolding, just love and delight. Oh Father you fill me up with love when You speak your words to me. Thank you for your faithful watchfulness over me.
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