I’ve been posting thankful updates on Facebook this month and decided that I should list them all in one place and since it's the month of our Anniversary (on the 26th) I thought I would focus on what I am thankful for in regards to my marriage. I am sure I'll have no problems coming up with 30 reasons I am thankful for being married or for my husband.
I share the below not to hold my marriage up as some sort of perfect example. It’s far from perfect. We have struggled and continue to struggle, but we struggle together. Even in the hardest, most difficult moments of our marriage we keep working to make it better. To get through the tough times takes a willingness to lay it all out, talk about it, walk through it and come out on the other side stronger. But, and this is a really BIG BUT, none of this is possible apart from God who works individually in our hearts and our marriage. So really it’s all about what God has done in our marriage. It’s about me (well really both of us) surrendering my heart, mind, body, and soul to the will of God. As we surrender to God we are better able to be the husband/wife we need to be.
Marriage is about the husband and wife dying daily to their wants and desires and following Christ. As we do this we often find ourselves more willing to put the other before ourselves.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to write a whole blog post I just wanted to list all the reason I am thankful for my husband and my marriage.
I am thankful for...
Day 1- the kindness of my husband.
Day 2 - his emotional strength and support during the hard times.
Day 3 - his strength of character and integrity.
Day 4 - a marriage that God uses to refine my heart and draw me closer to Him
Day 5: a husband who knows how to make me smile (even when I don't want to). Life with him is filled with so much joy even in the midst of sorrow, pain, and trials.
Day 6: a marriage that is filled with love, friendship, forgiveness, grace, patience, laughter, and most of all God.
Day 7: the friendship I have with my husband. He is truly my best friend for life.
Day 8: my husband who loves me in those moments I don't think I am being very lovable.
Day 9: He is my hero. He is a blessing to my life.
Day 10: my husband who has faithfully worked hard to provide for our family but even more thankful that he has made choices to put his family and wife over his job/career.
Day 11: for a marriage that consist of a 3 strand cord. My husband, my self and God.
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. (Ecc 4:12)
Day 12: I am thankful I get to journey along side my husband and watch him grow, change and draw into a deeper relationship with Christ. It's through my husband I have learned to love deeper and understand God's love for me in a richer way. I am blessed.
Day 13: I love the way he looks at me after all these years and calls me beautiful. I am thankful that he sees me, on good and bad days, and still loves me.
Day 14: that he is faithful. Faithful to our marriage vows, to me, to God, and our family.
Day 15: I am thankful my husband does most (if not all) of the outside work...especially when it's freezing cold out there!
Day 16: I am thankful that within the marriage relationship I have learned, and continue to learn, that it's in those difficult, hard and often times painful moments of life that we grow the most.
Day 17: I am thankful that marriage has taught me to live less selfishly, with greater compassion and love. It has also taught me I sill have much to learn....and room to grow.
Day 18: I am thankful he chose me!! Seriously, for those who do not know our story, he had every right to give up, and yet he kept loving, pursuing and still chose to marry me!
Day 19: So thankful that my husband is there for me when I need to talk and talk or when I need to just sit in silence. I'm pretty sure he likes the silence better, but he is a great listener, sounding board and advice giver.
Day 20: I am thankful for grace. Grace in my marriage. Neither one of us are perfect. Our marriage is far from perfect. We fail, disagree and have wrong attitudes and yet we continue to love, work it out and offer grace. Again not perfectly, we are very aware of our imperfections and sins that cause our marriage to be imperfect. But, even more so, we are aware of a God who empowers us, forgives us, and pours out grace daily in order for our marriage to grow to be what God wants it to be.
Day 21: I am thankful for my children, daughters in law and grandchildren. I am proud of each and every one of them. They are amazing blessings, fruit of our love, marriage and commitment. I give God alone the glory for what He has done.
Day 22: I am thankful that God has been faithful in helping us keep the promise we made to one another on our wedding day.
Day 23: I am thankful my husband is a patient man.
Day 24: I am thankful...today my heart just overflows with thankfulness for blessings too many to list, blessing undeserved...God's grace which He pours upon me is amazing.
Day 25: Almost daily he snuggles up close and whispers in my ear, “You are beautiful!”
Day 26: Today we celebrate 31 years of love, family, joy, friendship, togetherness, but along with these we have also had losses, heartaches, conflict, hard times, disappointments, hurt and sorrow. For all this we can be thankful. We give thanks for all these for we know, and have seen, God work out His purposes through both.
Day 27: I am grateful for two couples in particular who, in our early years of marriage, spoke truth to us, prayed with and for us and modeled what a godly marriage should be. But through the years God has brought many godly couples into our lives as examples and I am thankful for each of them.
Day 28: I am grateful to my church, especially the pastors, who continually preach the truth of God's word when it come to the covenant marriage relationship. And challenge us often on how we are to treat one another as husbands and wives.
Day 29: I am grateful that having a good marriage isn't solely based on what I do or don't do. It's about allowing God to be in control and center of my life. I need to surrender my life to a God who continues to work in and through me to be the wife He desires me to be. I am thankful He hasn't given up on my sometime stubborn heart.
Day 30: Our marriage isn’t perfect. I don’t have a perfect husband. I am not the perfect wife. But we do have a perfect God who daily works in us. I am thankful that for 31 years God is the one who has held us together.
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