Saturday’s Encouragement



I thought this would  be easy. Picking one blog that had been especially encouraging, inspiring or just really touched my heart. But there are so many this week.

Some that brought tears to my eyes, some made me laugh. Some caused me to ponder deeply, to pray and asked to have my heart searched. So I decided that I would allow myself up to three choices for those weeks that it is most difficult to choose just one. :-)

So here they are in no particular order…

Sandra Heska King: A Writer. A Deep Sea Diver.

This week my friend Sandy had some wonderful and inspiring words to share. But today as I read I want you to Roar her words so connected with my heart. How many times have I thought something along this line “I want you to roar. To sink your teeth into the back of my neck and give me a good shake. I want you to throw me on the right path. And growl loud if I stray.”? Or “Could you at least roar loud enough to make it all scramble out of my way?” Oh have God roar loudly enough for me to hear…to pay attention. I encourage you to go on over for a visit.

Blackpurl’s Knitpickings

Aida has such a lovely heart. Every time I visit her I feel like she has invited me in to sit as she shares her day as a missionary. I learn so much from her and she has encouraged me so often along the way. Her post on Wednesday was most encouraging this week. Her “thought for today” was “I believe that showing gentleness is not the same as showing weakness. It means showing a Christlike consideration for others. That is something I can do.” and as I read this I thought “I can too!” I too need to learn to show more gentleness and consideration for others.


Simply God’s Girl

Tania has such a sweet spirit. Always leaving encouraging comments and writing thoughtful blogs. I think I connect with her because she is a .Grandmother also! Quite honestly it’s been hard to find grandmothers that blog! I’ve only recently “met” her but I can tell you I already love her. Today she shared her heart about wounding a friend, my heart hurt for her. I understood, I’ve been there. I’ve done the hurting and I’ve been hurt. But what I loved to read was her quick sensitivity to the Spirit. Her contrite and humble heart. Her willingness to allow God to use that moment to show her something that needed to be seen. A hard lesson to learn. You are precious my new friend!


  1. I'll try and check these 3 out.

  2. What a surprise to wake up to. And such an encouragement. Love this feature. Love you. And can't wait to meet Tania and Aida. xoxo

  3. What a blessing to see this when I checked my twitter this evening! You are so kind and I am humbled to be mentioned...thank you.

    Now I need to check those other bloggers too!!

    joy & blessings to you,


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