Each path in
We journey through the darkest nights, rain storms, sunshine, fog, and seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Regardless of where we find ourselves in the journey we are often unsure of the next step. We have not come this way before. Each road is new, it’s different, and doesn’t always look just like the path others have walked.
Sometimes we feel so alone. Its seems no one else is with us on the path. We’ve lost sight of those who are ahead or those who are walking behind.
A young bride is fearful and unsure how to be a good wife. She looks around and so many seem to have it together. The marriages of her friends seems…dare she think it? “Perfect?” Yet she feels hers is falling apart. She feels afraid and alone.All of us have found, or will find ourselves in the above paragraphs. Some will find themselves in all of them.
A young mom hasn’t been able to leave her home for weeks. She doesn’t doesn’t understand how all her friends are able to attend Bible Studies, get together for lunch and stay sane. She is overwhelmed with motherhood. She feels as if she is walking this journey alone.
A mother of a prodigals is desperate for understanding, but she feels as if she is being judged. She spends her day crying and praying.Her heart is breaking. Does anyone see?
A mother says goodbye to her last child and wonders, “what now?” As she looks around it seems that others along this path know where they are going. They are pursuing careers, going back to school for degrees, they are DOING something. She wonders to herself how did they know what to do? She feels alone.
I have walked them all. On each path there is something that remains constant, regardless of how we feel we are never alone. Our God walks with us through each stage. With each step we take He is preparing us for the next pathway of our journey.
We must remember that it may LOOK or FEEL like we are alone but others are with us. There are other women on the same path. We only need to look, speak out and be willing to be transparent.
To often the enemy preys on minds, our thoughts, during these times of aloneness and whispers lies. He convinces us that no one would understand, and that other’s lives are perfect. He tells us we alone in our struggling. He wants to keep us alone and silent.
But we must speak out. We must speak truth. Once we begin sharing our struggles along the journey we WILL find that other’s are struggling too. We WILL find that we are not alone, other women are just like us.
So in light of that I think I am going to spend the next couple of Friday’s talking about the “Empty Nest” path. I know it’s called FAMILY Friday, but I believe it fits. I will be sharing with you what has been difficult, what I’ve learned, and what I still haven’t figured out about being a FAMILY and a mom without any chick’s in her nest.
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