A Kindred Spirit

Yesterday I was reading in Philippians chapter 2 and in verse 20 came across something that I just had not noticed before. Paul calls Timothy his kindred spirit which means ‘same soul’. Paul goes on to describe Timothy as someone who would be genuinely concerned for the Philippians welfare. He would not just seek after his own interest, but would seek the interest of Christ. Paul says that Timothy has been serving with him to further the gospel as a child serves his father. (verses 21-22) Paul and Timothy had a very close relationship because of their common heart for Christ. What a beautiful friendship and mentoring relationship based on Christ.

As I read this, God immediately brought to mind another relationship that is mentioned in the Old Testament. In 1 Samuel 18:1 it says that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved David as Himself. Jonathan and David’s friendship is a beautiful picture of Philippians 2:1-5.

Jonathon had every right to expect to become king some day. He could have been jealous or angry with David. They could have been enemies; instead Jonathan loved David as himself. Jonathan sought to protect David from Saul, his father. Jonathan willingly served David 1 Samuel 20:4 in order to protect him. Also in chapter 20 we read that Jonathan chooses David over his own father. Their friendship was based on their love for God. Jonathan encourages his friend in the Lord in chapter 23:16. They both made a covenant before the Lord 23:18.

Two friendship, both which were based on a relationship with God, both willing to die to their own interest for the sake of the other, and they both shared a spiritual connection, a common bond in the Lord.

My dear sisters, here is my question. Do you know how to be a friend of this kind? Do you put your own interest and desires aside for the best interest of her? When you meet for coffee do you encourage one another in the Lord? Do you challenge her to go deeper in her walk with the Lord? Does she do this for you also? Is there a “soul” connection between you? Do you have a mutual love for the Lord?

I do not know if we are able to have this kind of relationship with every women we meet, but I am praying that God would allow you to have at least one. Currently God has gifted me we two of these women. We encourage and challenge each other in our walks with the Lord. Our times together are always refreshing.

I do believe God desires this kind of relationship for us. I encourage you to study for yourself the relationships of these two examples and see how their common bond and friendship was in their mutual love for God.


  1. This truly is the best relationship. "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
    I am thankful God has blessed me with a couple of these friends throughout my life.

  2. Oh, Sharon...I'm just not sure this exists anymore. I try to be that for others...but it just doesn't seem to be what others are interested in. It is so discouraging at times. I have this with my daughter, and my husband...but outside the family it just doesn't seem to happen much. I wonder why that is!!!

  3. Sharon,

    Thanks for this encouraging posts. Friends are special treasures from God and need much grace and love to cultivate.

    I too believe that "Two friendship, both which were based on a relationship with God, both willing to die to their own interest for the sake of the other, and they both shared a spiritual connection, a common bond in the Lord."

    Thanks for your Friendship and encouragements. I have two awards to share with you (Share the Love and Friendship Award). Do come over when you have time. Take care and God bless.

    With appreciation and prayers,

  4. I have a friend who I laugh so much with it hurts and we are one in Spirit, we can correct each other in love. I believe that is how to handle true friendship in love. . . As Jesus does with us:) Have a great weekend:)

  5. i've always loved the story of jonathan and david. such an inspiring relationship. friendship isn't always easy and something that we need to work at if we want it to be a healthy relationship.

  6. I empathize with Gina. It is difficult to find this sort of relationship - for me anyway. I had that once and was just dropped. I was no longer good enough or something for her. I do have this type of relationship with one friend. We met via email!
    We love our visits which are few and far between since we live at opposite ends of the east coast. I value this kindred spirit type of relationsip. Has anyone read Anne of Green Gables series? When I see the term kindrd spirits, I think of that story, as well as Jonothan and David. I didn't know about Paul and Timothy in that way.
    Thanks, Sharon!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. God has blessed me with a few "Iron sharpens iron" friends, but only one who is similar to the kindred spirit shown with the Paul/Timothy & David/Jonathon relationships.

    Those friendships are priceless and rare and require spiritual maturity in both parties, boldness to speak the truth in love and humility to receive that truth. :)

    In my opinion, I think these friendships are rarer today because of busyness as well as a general lack of attention to diligently spending time in God's Word.

    Thanks for this post on a topic so near and dear to my heart.


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