Horatio Spafford wrote the hymn “It Is Well With my Soul” during a difficult season of life. He lost his only son to sickness. A successful lawyer he lost all he owned in the The Great Chicago fire. And shortly afterwards he lost his four daughters when the ship his daughters and wife were on went down. He penned this hymn as he was sailing to meet his wife while they passed over the area his daughters had drowned.
In the midst of horrible devastation Stafford chose to remind himself that nothing mattered but Christ. Whether life was good or difficult he would say, “ it is well with my soul”.
This is the kind of peace I desire. A peace that springs forth from a knowledge that God is sovereign and He is always good. Stafford could not have penned the words to this hymn without that knowledge. He could not have felt peace without complete trust in His God.
Oh Father, build this kind of trust in my heart that I can say, no matter what may come, “it is well, it’s is well with my soul.”
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