Be A Peacemaker

  The commitment to make peace is highly valued throughout the Bible, but what does it mean to be a peacemaker? 

Biblically, a peacemaker is someone who reconciles people who are in conflict. The heart of Jesus' earthly mission was to make peace between God and those who would come to Him through faith. He did this by offering Himself as a sacrifice. His sacrifice made a way for God and man to have peace.  

As I think about this I am reminded that in order to be a peacemaker we may have to make sacrifices of our own. We may need to lay down our pride. Peace/harmony among believers is of the upmost importance. It shows the world Jesus. 

Conflict always comes but when it does will you be a peacemaker? Will you seek peace or ignore the conflict? Will you fight for unity among the body? 

God’s children should always be on the side of making peace.  

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