This is part of the 2014 31 day writing challenge over at the Nesting Place. It’s my first year in joining along so give me GRACE as I go!
As I read this quote the only words that come to mind is, “Thanks be to God!” But it is not enough. How can it be? To simply say thank you seems so small. So insignificant compared to the cost of such a gift.
No, these words written by Spurgeon, rather should cause my heart to worship, to surrender all that I am to a God that has poured out grace upon grace to me through His Son.
Jesus took on all my sin, my weaknesses, my humanness and paid the price of death. He died in my place so that God might see His (JESUS) righteousness instead of my sinfulness. Jesus paid the debt that I should have paid. This is GRACE.
Join me for 31 Days of Seeking Grace
I LOVE the quote. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough. My heart is so filled with gratitude over Jesus' sacrifice.