Giving Grace to Others

I’ve been writing about Grace. Sharing verses, quotes and hymns that help us focus on grace. To help us understand grace. But honestly, grace is hard to live out. Grace means “the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. It’s the condition or fact of being favored by someone. To give mercy. ” (Google)

givegraceI mean it’s one thing for God to give me grace. To gift us with the free gift of salvation and so much more. Daily His pours out grace as He gives gifts and blessings I do not deserve. But how do I live out such a gift? How do I give grace to others?

It’s not easy, at least not for me. My flesh so often rises up and wants something far more than grace. How do I give grace to one who has hurt me? How do I give grace and love to one who continues to pretend friendship but only rejects? What about the one who cheats you? Lies about you? Says mean and hateful things about you? Consistently breaks promises? Can I really extend grace to these?

In my flesh I can not. To offer grace in these circumstances is nearly impossible apart of God. To give grace means I will forgive. It means I will overlook the offense. (Proverbs 19:11)

Grace means I will always assume the good of someone and not evil. It means I will love them and turn the other cheek. It means I will treat others as I would want to be treated. (Matt 5:39; 7:12)

Is anyone with me? Grace is hard to give and yet to be like Jesus means I will live a life that freely offers grace to others. The good news is that I don’t have to do this on my own. I have the power of the Spirit in me that helps me be more Christ like.

I am so thankful that I am not called to live a life of grace and godliness without the help of Jesus who is in me. Oh Jesus help me be a woman that gives grace!



Join me for 31 Days of Seeking Grace


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