Cultivate a Heart of Thankfulness

photo (16)_thumb[1]I have noticed recently that my heart isn’t as thankful as I would like it to be. I have been recognizing a very familiar pattern that I had allowed to creep into my heart. AGAIN. It’s called the “It’s all about me” syndrome.

We are familiar with it, not one of us have lived in the world for long without needing to purge self from the altar of our hearts.

Our world is consumed with self. We hear messages all the time about how we deserve a bigger house, nicer cars, brand name items, luxury vacations, a beach house, massages and the list of things goes on and on.

We believe the lies that we deserve time for self. We should do things that make self happy, satisfied. Do what feels good, what is right to self is the message we hear over and over.

God’s word says that we are to deny self. We are to put others above ourselves. We are to rejoice in suffering.

We must cultivate a heart of thankfulness. But in order to cultivate a thankful heart one must take their eyes off themselves and look at the world around them. We must see through the eyes of the Spirit, not the eyes of the flesh.

When we begin to focus on what we have been given instead of what we think we need our heart will be less likely to focus on the flesh. Or when we begin to look around at others and see what God is doing in their lives, and being thankful for God’s work then we are less likely to focus on self.

My challenge today for myself and for you if you are willing is to try and find things I am thankful for today. Regardless of how hard my current circumstances might be I want to focus on being thankful.

Today I can be thankful for…

…an absolutely amazing husband, friend and covenant partner.

…God who continues to work and move in ways we do not see and do not understand so that His purposes are accomplished for His kingdom.

…God who does not give me what I deserve, which is eternal damnation, but has given me grace upon grace through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus so that I might live eternally with Him.

…another day to serve God.

…God’s grace and that He chooses to use me in His kingdom work.

…the privilege to suffer in order to be more like Jesus.

Oh you get the idea…there is always, always, always something to be thankful for. We must choose to intentionally cultivate a heart of thankfulness.

Don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY it ends tomorrow! Details on top of my page!!!

TTButton[5]Cultivate a thankful heart today by visiting with others who are thankful.


  1. Excellent post Sharon! I fall into that pattern far too easily and need to remind myself of cultivating a thankful heart!

  2. Amen, Amen, Amen! There is always something to be thankful for. I couldn't agree with you more... when we stop looking with our physical eyes we can see the hand of God.. everywhere!

    God bless!


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