Seasons of Change

Change. It’s apart of life. Change comes, sometimes wanted other times unwanted.
Change can bring heartache, but also joy.
As I reflect over the last almost 50 years I recount all the seasons of change.
There have been times of Spring when my life seemed to be a time of awakening. A sense of newness. Freshness.
Times of Summer when there was much joy, sunshine and laughter. A time of soaking in all the blessing in my life.
Then there have been times things seemed to begin to die. In the dying I could see such beautiful colors of my life. I think the seasons of autumn are times of great change. Hard changes. Beautiful changes.
Nothing though is as hard as the seasons in my life that were dead, cold and bitter. Winter is always the hardest. With very little sunshine, warmth or visible signs of life. Times I have felt I would just die. Times when it seemed I was forgotten, alone and left for dead inside.
But what I didn’t know during much of that time spent in winter is that inside, deep inside, everything was growing, changing and preparing to break forth into something new. Something beautiful.
The seasons of our lives come and go. Each one brings changes. As I look back I realize I have survived many changes, many seasons.
As I sit before the Lord today and reflect over my life I am fully aware that change is coming. Again. The beauty of it is that every season before hand has prepared me for the season I am about to enter.
I feel it, God is working and the season is about to change.
I wonder, what season we are about to enter? I wonder where we are going? What is God doing?
I don’t know. I only know that the season is about to change in my life. And while I would prefer Spring or even summer it really matters not.
For as I look back I can see, I KNOW, that God is always there working in me, changing me, molding me, refining me to be more like Him.
What about you? Think back over the seasons of your life. Do you see God in each of them? Do you see the changes He created? Can you rejoice in each season of change? Even the winters?
Our God is good in all things. He is good to us, His children.

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