Isaiah 61 is probably one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. My heart connected to it in a way that totally took me by surprise when I first read it. I was living among ashes when those words first began to awaken my heart. God began to show me then that this is what HE would do in my life. That was over 12 years ago.
Today I see clearly how God put people in my life that gave the good news of God's love for ME.
I mean He REALLY loves ME!! And because of His great love He sent those that would help heal my broken heart and help free me from my prison.
God has showed me HIS Grace. HE destroyed my enemy of shame. God sent those in my life that would comfort me as I mourned what was lost. He allowed them to care for me, to love on me and be Him with skin on.
God then took those ashes and turned them into beauty. He gave me a new name. God took the ruins of my life and made something new and wonderful.
My name was unlovable, unwanted and shame. God called me HIS BELOVED!
I am His Beloved! And I am left with a heart that loves my Lord with greater understanding. A heart that wants to serve Him, a heart that longs to do God's will. Not just God's will for His people but His will for ME!
Often I wonder why would God want to do all this for me? Apart from the fact that He loves me, He wants me to go into the world and share the love of God, His grace, His power, His mercy and His forgiveness. It was given to me so that I might share the truth to others so that their ashes can also be turned to beauty.
God has anointed me to share God's love and grace to the poor and heartbroken. He wants me to tell those in captivity to shame and sin that they can be free.
O how my heart longs to help women rebuild their lives, to know the love of Jesus. To know that His love can and does set them free. I want them to know that they are not unforgotten, unlovable, ruined, dirty, trash, forsaken, but God calls them "Oaks of Righteousness" and He wants to display HIS glory through them.
They need to know! Who will tell them?
I want these women to know that God can raise something new out of the wreckage of their lives, they CAN start over. I want to have the opportunity to share with them that God will take the rubble of their live and make it new.
He did it for me! He WILL do it for them!
Oh God my life is yours, use me as you will, show me what it is you are calling me to. Show me what it is that you desire for me. My heart grows restless and I wonder just what you are up to. Are you calling me to something new?
Hi Sharon,
ReplyDeleteI very much appreciated you stopping by my blog site today. I left a comment after you but just in case you don't check back, I just want you to know that you blessed my life today. Thank you very much. Also, your post is wonderful and it touched my heart. :)