A Longing to be Filled

crownheartI believe that there is a longing in every heart for a deep soul connection. A spiritual connection. A connection that comforts, refreshes,and encourages the heart. It’s a longing that has always been meant to be filled by God.

The problem is we spend countless time searching to fill the longing in an upside down way.

I can have a good, healthy relationship with my husband, mother, sister or a friend but at some point in the relationship I will want more. At some point they will fail or disappoint me. Their love will never be enough to fully satisfy the longing.

It will not be enough if I have not allowed God to fill it (the longing) first.

I must ALWAYS take the longing back to God…

…when I feel my husband isn’t enough and I need more emotional support from him.

…when I feel in need of encouragement and it doesn’t seem anyone is around to offer it.

…when I feel isolated and in need of a connection with my sisters or family.

…when I am feeling like I need to be refreshed in the presence of a dear friend.

It’s only when I go to God that I find satisfaction. It’s in Him I find the longing fulfilled.

Once I am filled to overflowing by the Spirit of God I can then go to others without any thought of myself. I am free then, and only then, to offer myself completely to God to be used in the lives of those He choses to bring my way.

The beauty of living completely satisfied in Christ is that when we touch the lives of others they too receive the blessing of being touched by Christ in us. We no longer go to those we love in order to seek to be filled but in order to give and in the process we often are rewarded by being encouraged, refreshed and it’s a wonderful thing. But if they haven’t refreshed or encouraged it’s not going to send you over the edge either for you already know where your source of spiritual connection comes from.

Oh Jesus help me to live out these words. Help me to live fully satisfied in your love. I want to be filled to overflowing with all of you so that I might not want from those I love but so that I can give of all I am to them. Help me to be a living sacrifice, help me to be an example of Your overflowing love. Amen

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful Sharon. I'm going to share it on my FB page.


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