My father was born in Topeka Kansas April 19, 1937, today he would have been 73. He died in September 1967 in a tragic car accident, I was just five years old. I don't remember much, only a few fragments of memories here and there.
Growing up without my Daddy I often would find myself wondering about what life might have been like if he was still here. Even after all these years I miss him and somtimes I find myself wondering how my life might have been different.
It's during these quiet moments as my mind races with memories, that my Father in heaven speaks to me in His still small voice.
He reminds me...
That I am His Beloved daughter, I am precious to Him, I am the apple of His eye.
It's during these moments that I realize it's okay to mourn what was lost, it’s okay that there is still an ache in my heart as I remember. Memories and love live on as the pain is forgotten.
Today I shout from the mountains in PRAISE to a God that is GOOD in ALL that He does. For as I look over my life I see God’s goodness to me in all that He has done.
I thank God for the gift of those five years I had with my daddy. Five years of knowing the love of an earthly father. Five years of being able to crawl up into His lap to feel safe and secure.
But even more I am thankful for a heavenly Father whose precious thoughts toward me outnumber the sand.
A heavenly Father who collects my tears in a bottle … every one of them.
I am thankful for a Father who would send His Son to die in my place so that I might live forever with Him in heaven.
This is a beautiful post about both of your Father's and their love for you. I'm sorry that you weren't able to have much time with your earthly Dad, but your life is a testimony to the care if your heavenly Dad.