This has been the cry of my heart …This is the cry of my heart.
The words to a song come to mind…The more I seek you, the more I find you, the more I find you the more I love you...this love is so deep it's more than I can's overwhelming.
There is nothing that pleases God more than a heart that longs to know Him. A heart that seeks Him. David the psalmist writes, “My soul pants for God, my soul thirsts for God, the one true living God” (Ps 42:1, 2)
Seeking and knowing God means discipline. It means slowing down and spending time with Him. It means to sit at His feet and listen. It means to read His word, to know it, study it and obey it.
How do you know God? Do you know Him through personal experience or through the experience of others? Do you actively seek Him?
Do you know God, the One true God? Or do you just have some vague idea of the God you hope He is? Is your view of God based on truth you have seen with your own eyes or based on what others have said?
I can testify to this truth, “the more I seek, hunger and thirst after Him the more I find Him...the deeper I know Him I realize His great love and sacrifice for me.”
But this seeking is active, not passive. To actively seek God means that you are in His word studying to know God. You are not content to know God only through what others have studied and learned.
The days years I spent going from Bible study to Bible study and reading various devotionals did not fill up the longing deep in my heart to know God. I would read book after book, attend retreats and seminars all in search of a deep intimate knowledge of my God. And while there was growth in my Christian walk and I did grow to know God more deeply it wasn’t until I learned how to study for myself that I could truly say I know God.
Once I learned how to study on my own I began to see God’s word in a whole new way. The things I had heard about God through all those studies, books and sermons became real. They became truth because I began to experience them in the word for myself. God began to speak to me, revealing Himself to my heart and mind in a way that dramatically changed my heart and life.
My prayer for you is that you would desire to know God through personal experience, through a personal knowledge. I pray that you would be a diligent student of the word, studying it for yourself so that you can accurately handle the word.
For more information on studying the Word of God please click on the tab above that says resources.
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