Today I read 1 Chronicles 17:16 which says “Who am I, O LORD God, and what is my house that You should have brought me this far?” Then a little further I read verse 20 “O, Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God besides You, according to all that we have heard with our ears,”
These two verses remind me this that God has blessed me, He has been with me, He is good, He is God, He is in control and He will always be with me. He has brought me so far in this life. He took a broken, abused, scared little girl and set her free from the demons of her past. He took one on a path of destruction and sin to place her in His Kingdom.
Who am I that He would be so mindful of me? I don’t have an answer, there was nothing good in me, nothing that would draw a good God to save me from my sinful life. And yet, He loved me, He chose me, He called me and I followed Him. Since that day, 40+ years ago, I have continued to follow Him. It hasn’t been perfectly, in fact some times it’s down right ugly, but He continues to work perfectly in and through my life as I surrender to Him.
Faced with this reminder, knowing God is in control and good, I choose to focus on the God who has been faithful in my life. He has been good and He has always worked all thing out according to His purposes. He has brought me this far and He will continue to be with me in all my tomorrows regardless of what may come.
O Lord, there is none like You, nor is there any God beside you! Blessed be the name of the LORD for I have seen and heard of Your greatness in my life!! Amen!
#heiswithme #whoami #noonelikemygod #iwilltrusthim #heistrustworthy #thankful #blessed #hiswordspeaks #myheartisfull
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