Do the things I do have value? Are they profitable for a life trying to live purposefully before God? I do struggle at times wondering if my life has meaning or value. Am I making a difference in other’s lives? What do the things I choose to spend time on say about what’s important to me?
Have you ever asked yourself,
“If I spend time on the computer, on Facebook, Pintrest, reading blogs and yet have no time to read His word what am I saying by my actions?”
“If I spent hours in front of the Television and yet spent no time sitting before the before God, what would you say is important to me?”
“If I have time to talk on the phone or texting and then say I have no time to pray, what is more most important to me?”
“If I run a marathon, am dedicated to exercise every day and yet do not run my spiritual race with the same dedication what is more important to me?”
“If I am so busy at work, spending hours on projects and yet do not have time to study His word, or be available for divine appointments then what do I value?”
We may say we love God and our relationship to Him is important. But how often do you and I make excuses for not having enough time to sit still. To listen. To be used in the life of another.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my time. Do I use it purposefully? Is it used for the Lord or is it selfishly wasted.
Let me make a challenge to all of us to evaluate our time on a regular basis. What does your time spent look like? If someone took at look at your time spent what would they see as most important to you? If you have enough time to do all the things that YOU feel are important and God is getting the leftovers, then what is important to you?
There are things that might seem important, or harmless, but my question would be “does it have any eternal value?” Is it a time of encouraging others, praying for them, challenging them to grow? Id it time seeking God and what He says, who He is and what is important to Him?
He desires to spend time with you. He is waiting, so why not spend some time now reading these verses, Duet 7:7-8; Prov 8:17; Is 30:18; 1 John 4:19.
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