…lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus… (Heb 12:1b,2a)
We are to fix our eyes on Jesus. Jesus the one who perfects us, the one who who has run the race before us, the one who runs along with us now.
It’s not an easy race to be run, but it can be done. We are to run the race by laying aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.
Have you ever sat and thought about those things that might hinder you from your race? The sins that you easily can get entangled in. We all have area’s of weakness. Those things that can cause us to take our eyes off Jesus. Those things, attitudes and thought patterns that begin to burden us, weakening our endurance.
When a runner run’s his race he is focused on the prize. He is single minded and doesn’t allow the things around him to distract him. The race of this life is that same. We must stay focused on Jesus and “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1)
Our focus must be on the eternal.
This week I want to set time aside and really focus on my race. What is it that hinders me? Have I allowed myself to become distracted? If so, what has been the distraction?
Is there sin I haven’t dealt with? Or attitudes I’ve let go unchecked?
What about my thinking? Are my thoughts pure or have I allowed things to enter my mind that are not Christ honoring?
If I am to run a race well, and finish well, then I must be willing to do the work of laying aside all that hinders my race. IF I do not then I will be distracted and become entangled in that which is around me fighting for my attention.
What about you? How is your race going? Do you feel overly tired, distracted or ready to quit? Then you might want to join me this week as I seek God and ask Him to reveal those things that hinder my race.
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