And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Luke 12:15
For months, well maybe more like years, I have noticed a change in my thinking. In the most recent months it’s just become a stronger way thinking. I believe it’s a good, but it’s definitely a hard change.
It’s a hard change because there are those who do not understand. It’s hard because I often find it difficult to live out in the day to day. And I don’t always know exactly how this new way of seeing this life is to be lived out practically.
I suppose some would say it’s living with an eternal perceptive. If that is true then why aren’t more true believers living with the same perceptive?
I find myself asking A LOT of questions of myself. Questions like, “what eternal value does this have?” “In light of my eternity with Jesus does this really matter?” This in both questions meaning whatever I am dealing with at the moment. For example; In light of eternity with Jesus does it really matter if I have a new car, 50 pairs of shoes, expensive jewelry, a big house, the latest new gadget (and so on)?
Seriously. Does it matter? God has called His children for a purpose and that is to glorify Him and be a witness to His glory.
Our life is short. We only have so much time here on earth to fulfill God’s purpose then our life quickly blows away…
I am to follow after Jesus. While on earth Jesus did not chase after any version of “The American Dream” or any form of wealth and riches. (Please let me be clear here, I do not think I need to sale all I have and live on the street. But I do wonder if I am to live with far less material things than I do.)
I mean really, if I wasn’t so concerned about my own “comfort” and keeping up with what the world says I NEED wouldn’t I have more to give to the poor? Wouldn’t I have more resources to help out those who are orphaned or widowed? Couldn’t I then be free to help out my neighbor?
Imagine a world filled with Christ followers who only lived off what was absolutely necessary? What kind of example would we be to those around us who do not know Christ?
Some days I wonder if anyone else thinks like I do? I would love to know!
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
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