Living Purposefully: Consider Jesus

hand raisedSo how did your reading and list making of Hebrews 3-5 go? I love reading God’s word and making list. Having a list of who the scriptures say Jesus is will be very helpful! I often pull out lists I have made to review when I forget!

Having a list can remind me of WHO I am according to God’s Word, WHAT He promises and WHO He is. These become critical to remember when my enemy attacks my mind with lies and I can’t seem to remember who or what!   

Today is one of those days for me. I am struggling with lies, so lets get into the truth of His word and learn some truth to fight with!!

Goodness so much truth, so much to see and learn AND LIVE in these three chapters! Did you see in 3:1 where is said “consider Jesus”? That means to fix your eyes on Jesus which is what we have been doing! Also in verse 1 did you notice what is says about us? We are “holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling,” isn’t that exciting?

So let us continue to “consider” or “fix our eyes” upon Jesus!

In chapter 3 we see that Jesus is the Apostle, and High Priest of our confession. He is faithful. (1-2) We see that he was faithful as a Son over His house. Did you notice who is apart of His house? WE are,that is, IF we hold fast our confidence and boast of our hope firm until the end!! He will be faithful to us if we are stay confident and firm in hope until the end! (5-6) also see verse 14

In Chapter 4 we learn that Jesus is a high priest who have passed through heaven and HE sympathizes with our weakness. He was tempted and yet did not sin. He is without sin. (14-15)

In Chapter 5 we see that Christ did not glorify Himself but it was God who made Him High Priest.(1-6) Jesus lived His days on earth in the flesh. He offered up prayers and supplications to the Father. He cried out in tears before His Father. He learned obedience from suffering and because He is perfect He is the source of salvation.(7-9)

I am sure you are thinking, “but Sharon there is so much more in these chapters!” and you are correct. It’s a great struggle for this student of the word to not want to dig into every “nook and cranny” of these chapters to glean truth. But for this time we just want to look at what we can learn about Jesus. He is the one that we are to fix our eyes on and how can we if we do not know Him.

Remember, for now, we are just gathering information. We are observing the context of Hebrews so that we can better understand how to “lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and run with endurance the race before us. (Heb 12:1-2) I pray that your appetite has increase for a deeper study of His word will cause you to come back at some point and study for yourself all that Hebrews has to teach us.

Before I close for today I want us to look at verses 11-14 of Chapter 5. I was struck what the author says here. They had become dull of hearing so they didn’t go on saying all that could be said about Jesus. The readers of Hebrews, were not new believers for the author says “by this time you ought to be teachers”. But because they had become dull of hearing they were in need of the “milk” of the word and not “solid food”.

So let me ask you, and myself, have we become dull of hearing? In order to live a life purposefully we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and keep them there. We need to be feeding upon solid food and not remain feeding upon milk and the elementary principles of God’s word.

Solid food is for the mature in Christ. How do we become mature? Verse 14 says that those who practice and have their senses trained to discern good and evil are mature.

So let us not be dull of hearing and feeding on milk. May we be purposefully in our study of the Word, putting it into practice and allowing it to train and teach us. 

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