Does Anyone See Me?

You walk right by me without a word.

Don’t you see me?

My heart is broken. My life in chaos. My husband is having an affair.

Can you see me?    
My wife lost her job and we can’t pay the bills. We are afraid we may loose the house and end up on the street.

Can you see me?

I just got out of prison. I have no place to go. The shelters are full. If I go home I will end up in the same life. I want to change.

Can you help me?

I am lonely. Lost. Depressed. I don’t know if I can handle one more crisis in my life. I don't want to live anymore.

Does anyone see me?

I live a life on the street. I get by the best I can. But it’s hard and I want out of this life, but I don’t know how.

Can you help me?

I am tired, weary and frustrated with this life. Is there more to life? Is there really a God?

Could you tell me?

We walk past people everyday who are hurting inside. They are at work, in our schools, in our churches and on the street.

But do we really see them? Do we care about them? Do we love them? Do we see, care and love them enough to do something or is our life just too busy.

Maybe we are afraid. After all it could get messy. It might cost me my time, money, and energy. Is it safe? What if I get taken advantage of? I wonder if these things crossed the mind of Jesus? Somehow I don’t think so. He came for the sick, the lost, the hurting and the invisible.

As His child I am called to help fight for those who can’t fight. I am to love them. Serve them. Preach the Gospel.

I am to show them Jesus. To let them see that Jesus sees them.

Yes, Jesus sees. He sees those who are hurting and lost. He sees those who walk on by. If I am a follower of Jesus then I must choose to see them too, but not just see them, I need to help them when I can.

If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them. James 4:17
Oh Jesus I fail in this area so often. Sometimes I do see but chose to not get involved. Forgive me. I claim busyness or some other excuse, but honestly there are no excuses. Please open my eyes and my heart so that I might see those who need you. Help me to see those who need encouragement, love, help, hope, life! Help me to choose to make a difference in the life of those who are hurting. Take my eyes off me and what I might think is important and help me to set my heart upon total surrender to reaching those who need your touch. Jesus I can be so totally self centered, forgive me. Help me to be others centered. I just want to be your humble servant, to give a hug, a smile, a word or whatever is needed that is in my abilities to give. But I know my flesh and I need You working in and through me. Thank you for your grace in my life. Help me to offer it to others. Amen.

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