Philippians 1:1-9
I pray that your love for each other will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in your knowledge and understanding.
For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until Christ returns.
May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation -those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ- for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
This is my prayer...
That my love would over flow. In order for my love to overflow to those around me I need to be sure that I am being filled completely with Christ through His Spirit. I can't be going to other people in hopes of being filled, it will only lead to a longing that is forever thirsty. It's Christ only who fills to the point that His love will then overflow to those I come in contact with.
That I would keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. How can I possibly keep growing if I am not in His Word, if I am not content to sit at His feet and allow Him to pour Himself in me? We need to be consumed with longing for his word. (Ps 119) I've been challenged recently to study those areas that I "hold opinions" because of what others have taught me. I need to be a student of God's Word, studying it so that I might know what I believe and why. I need to allow God to speak to my heart and mind and spirit and reveal truth to me. I'm not saying we should never learn from others, but we need to be learning truth for ourselves too.
Why? So that we understand what really matters. So that we can live pure and blameless. How can I know what God's truth is unless I search for it as I would for hidden treasure? (Prov 2:4)
To be filled with the spirit. Through the Spirit it is Christ who produces anything good in me. I can not and will never be good or do good on my own. The fruit that Christ desires to produce in me are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. (Gal 5:22)
Everytime I see this list I think of how far I still need to go, but God reminds me of how far I have come!
We do this so that God is glorified and praised.
Oh God I pray that your love would overflow in me so that my love for my children, husband, family, the women of CEFC would be a love the brings you honor and glory. I pray Lord, that I would continue to seek your face and have an increased desire to know your Word-to know YOU. May I allow the Spirit to work in me in order that I might live a pure and blameless life, one that produces much fruit. And in all this may I bring no glory to me but may all the glory go to you. Amen.
Hey girlfriends I'm getting away for the weekend...."see" you on Monday
This is a truly beautiful post and it shows such a precious heart!
ReplyDeleteGod bless,